Quest for the Ogopogo

Monday, May 24, 2004

A Conversation from May 2004

Lobo: When are you leaving for Alaska again?

Alcalde: Well I can't leave today, my Jeep's in the shop!

Lobo: June...?

Alcalde: I plan on leaving here on or about 6/8, returning about three weeks later.

All plans are contingent on parents' health.

Lobo: Is The Jose going with you?

Alcalde: Not to Alaska.

Lobo: Not to Alaska. Anywhere else?

Alcalde: Well, I invited him to come with me to Okanagan. I mean, somebody has to reel in Oggie when he chomps on the bait (me).

Lobo: You wouldn't. You couldn't.

Alcalde: Dude. Would we do that to you? On June 11th and 12th? Would we?

Lobo: I AM FIRE PROOF . . .

Alcalde: Then you won't be jealous when you get postcards from Okanagan telling you all about collecting the reward.

Jose: From me, of course, since Alcalde will be et at that point.

Alcalde: No, no, no. You'll spring the trap just before he ets me. I have a conference in Anchorage to go to. And a polar circle to cross.

Jose: Not a problem. You can count on me.

Alcalde: Well. Okay, then.

Lobo: It would mean war, gentlemen, plain and simple. Take time to consider, I beseech you.

Alcalde: If it is to be war, then bring it on.

Jose: Plans for the Megaramble continue to move ahead as new plans are submitted and reviewed daily.